Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 6

Over the last year, I have been reading a book over and over to go to for encouragement. Life had me down and I read it, then I stopped. Today, I finally finished reading this book as it has been an inspiration to me over the last year.

You're Already Amazing by Holley Gerth is a book that talks about how we as women can sometimes feel as though we just aren't enough in the world we live in. As a teacher, I see my teacher friends make the cutest decorations and wonderful class projects and I think to myself how I'm not good enough because I'm not that creative nor can afford everything. Well, God thinks I am pretty wonderful the way I am and created me the way I am for His purpose. I may not understand it all the time, and it's not really all about understanding it either. It's all about receiving the gifts and blessings He has given me and fully giving myself to Him in return to glorify Him and to use every part of me (the good and bad) in His way. You may feel like you aren't keeping up with the Jones, but God didn't make you that way. He made you as you are, to fully embrace all that He made you to be, and to give it all to Him.


  1. That sounds like a great book. I need to read it!

    1. It is a great book! I love Holley Gerth's book. Definitely inspiring and encouraging!
