Friday, May 2, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 2

Today is Day 2 of posting something that inspires me! I am going to go a little out of the ordinary, but it is probably going to be cliche once you see it.

My inspiration for Day 2 is Pinterest! There are so many reasons why I love it.

I can find lots of recipes to try out. Some have been awesome and have become a regular in our house. Some haven't really been our favorite and ended up being a one and done ordeal. Some I tweak a bit to add/subtract ingredients. But overall, it is a great place to store so many recipes instead of writing them down and storing them in a recipe box and trying to find them. Before I got my iPad, I would do that so I wouldn't have to have my laptop on my kitchen table.

Crafts, crafts, and more crafts! I am definitely not the craftiest person. A more accurate description would be resourceful because I am the kind of person, especially when I was in college, to never go out and buy supplies for projects unless it was absolutely necessary. I would find some way to use whatever I could find in my dorm. But, Pinterest has expanded my crafty hands. I love to paint canvases and do Bible verses. I used to free hand everything I wrote, and now I'm learning different medias to use while painting. I definitely don't plan on becoming an artist, but painting is fun for me and I like the feeling of accomplishing crafts. I also used many crafts from Pinterest to make VBS crafts when some of the crafts that came in the packet didn't seem too appealing for older children.

Teacher resources galore! You can literally find anything you need for any subject, grade, standard, activity, unit, etc. I am certified in elementary education, so most of my stuff is geared that way, but there is still so much for preschool teachers, high school teachers, college professors, homeschool parents, and parents who just want extra support to help their children. Not everything is free, but you can get some great deals on stuff even when it's not free. Another thing I love about the teacher pins is that I have found so many organization tips, ways to decorate a classroom, DIY tips, and so many more geared just for teachers.

I'm not even engaged, but I think I have practically planned out my wedding. Even before I had a boyfriend I was find cute and creative wedding stuff. You can find anything from traditional wedding ideas to being as out of the ordinary as you want to be. There are also so many pins that give you DIY ideas and tips on how to save money, as we all know weddings can be as pricey as you let them. I have found great websites where it gives you tips on how to spend under $5000 and even $1500 on a wedding. I know people who spend that much on a dress. And if you have the money, all power to you! But it is a great tool to help in any wedding whether it be a small and inexpensive wedding to grand expensive weddings. I don't know of a single girl who doesnt want at least one touch of her wedding to be special and creative with thought put in to it.

Another great thing I love are the ideas and saving money tips you can find to apply to your house and different areas of you life. I have become obsessed with wreaths and cannot wait to get a home so I can make/buy wreaths I have found. I have also stumbled across what I call "life tips" (others may call them "life hacks"). There are so many that I couldn't possibly fit them here. You can make your own beauty supplies, tips on cleaning, how to organize different things, how to save money, etc.

Just a few more reasons it inspires me:
- lots of food and decoration ideas for holidays
- fashion tips ranging from hair/make up to clothes/shoes
- funny jokes that you will want to go back and read from time to time
- encouraging Bible verses
- travel ideas of places I have added to my bucket list

My ultimate reason that Pinterest inspires me is because (don't laugh) I could organize my pins into categories so I could easily find them and am able to move my boards around in alphabetical order. I am pretty sure I have a touch of OCD, but you wouldn't be able to tell if you walked in my room. :)

If you would like to check out my Pinterest, click here to view all of my pins and boards!

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