Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 13

Yesterday I posted about 2 teachers I had that greatly impacted my life. It really got me to thinking about other teachers I have had, and I want to use today's inspiration post to talk about another teacher who played a vital role in my high school years and has truly been an inspiration for me to look to as a teacher.

Mr. Jones was my science teacher throughout high school. Science and Math are my worst subjects and was happy just to make a B in them. Mr. Jones made learning fun in his classes by providing fun experiments/labs and being a friend to all of his students. He had that equal balance of being a teacher, mentor, and friend to each student that walked in his class. Even kids that had a D in Science loved him. He had the funniest stories and always kept his class interesting. I enjoyed having Science with him that I took on the challenge of taking AP Biology. I didn't score good on the AP test, but I did enjoy the class and its difficulty while coming out with a B. My favorite all time Science class was Forensic Science. It was the only one I made an A in. I can't exactly remember how the project assignment went, but my group and I made a CSI episode that was funny. One of the main reasons Mr. Jones inspires me is because he goes outside the role of being just a "teacher" for his students. During my senior year, I struggled with where I was going to go to college. I had a full ride to JSU and had a great offer from Shorter University, but my desire was to go to Samford. At the time, I was short about $3000 of being able to take out a low enough loan that I would be able to pay back. I discussed a lot of my thoughts with Mr. Jones getting his take and opinion on matters. He was in a position similar to me where he could go to Alabama but had really good offers from other colleges. He told me that if I didn't go where I wanted to go then I would regret it. I thank him for his words of wisdom because without him mentoring mad counseling me I may have gone elsewhere.

There are many teachers I have had throughout the years from elementary school through high schools and into college. If I had the time and words to do it, I would write each of them a letter and personally thank them for all they did for me (even the ones I may not have liked). So if you are one of my former teachers, THANK YOU!!!!!

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