Friday, May 23, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 22

I forgot to post yesterday, so I will make it up today by doubling up on my posts. So, here is my inspiration for Day 22.

Writing has always been something I have enjoyed doing since high school. Writing is my way of expressing myself and my feelings. You can ask my boyfriend. I'm not good at all the lovey-dovey stuff in public, but I can write  one awesome love note. I'm not a frequent blogger nor do I have any followers. You can tell so by looking at my total page views (less than 1000 in about 2 years). But I am glad I decided to create a blog even when I am the only one who reads it. It inspires me to express myself and my thoughts. I have also learned a few HTML and website tips on how to customize my blog's design. So, no matter how many people read my blog I will continue to use it to give me my outlet to express myself.

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