Monday, May 12, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 12

I guess you can say that I am a week late in posting this inspiration given that Teacher Appreciation Week was last week. Today, I choose two teachers when I was in elementary/high school: Randy Smith and Yvonne Jacoway.

Mr. Smith was my 6th grade homeroom, language arts, spelling, and reading teacher. Math and History are the subjects he is most experienced in with teaching, but he made learning fun no matter what he taught. He motivated us to do our very best. I remember on a few occasions he would challenge the whole class to make an A on our spelling tests and he would bring us all cream soda and peanut butter nutter bars, but only if the entire class made an A. This really had us work together to encourage each other as a team to reach our reward. He is also a member of the military, so when the Alabama/Auburn football game came around he has us make picks on the winner and score. His only downfall is he is an Auburn fan. ;) Unfortunately that year Alabama lost, so everyone who chose Alabama had to do push ups. He also cared about his students outside the classroom. I remember being upset about not making a team I had worked hard to get on, and he called me up to his desk to check on me and make sure I was okay. One of my most favorite memories was rolling his yard on a Friday night while he was at the football game (assistant coach). I was sick the Monday after, but my friends had already fessed up before I could enjoy the fun of him not knowing (though his wife gave us permission to roll their yard). He is currently now the Assistant Principal at the high school and will be moving to a position in the county office after the school year. Because of him, I learned that being a teacher is more than just making sure students learn everything they are supposed to for the year. And I thank him for that!

Mrs. Jacoway was my Home Ec/FACS teacher in high school along with being the FCCLA sponsor. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of her that I know of. I was in one of Mrs. Jacoway's classes every year from 7th grade through 12th grade. I'll be honest, I was scared of her my 7th grade year. But when I was in 8th grade, I was elected as the class president in her class, so I bore responsibilities of helping organize our class project and taking the time to make sure the room was clean when we left. I thank her for teaching me the little things that many young women and teenagers do not know. When we cooked, we had to make sure our area looked better than it did before we used it. I was typically the last person to leave because if your area was dirty, the whole group would be in trouble. I made a purse and pjs and a wallet, but I honestly couldn't sew anything to save my life. I did learn a few tips and tricks using a needle and a thread, such as sewing on a button, sewing up a whole, and a few stitching things. She made the greatest impact on my life when I was the FCCLA President of our school's chapter during my last 2 years of high school. She was a mentor to me, and I enjoyed being her teacher's aid. Because of her, I learned to take pride in my work, developed a love for cooking, and grew to become a leader (trust me, I was so quiet and shy until I became FCCLA President). And I thank her for that!

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