Sunday, May 4, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 4

Today is Day 4 of Inspiration May. I find my inspiration from a very special person in my life. We have been through a lot over the past year we have been together, but I am so glad to have my best friend by my side through thick and thin.

James is my wonderful boyfriend that I have been dating (off and on) since April 27, 2013. Sure we have experienced lots of rough patches, but having us both refocus on God and putting Him in the center of our relationship has gotten us through the trenches and has brought us to the happy place we are at now together. He is my best friend who I can go to for anything. When I don't feel good or have a bad day, he cheers me up. When I am happy, he rejoices with me. He is always there for me and spoils me silly.

I mean check out these gorgeous flowers he gave me for absolutely no reason except for that he just wanted to show me that he loves me. I really am a lucky and blessed girl to have him as my boyfriend. He inspires me to work hard and achieve my goals as he always has my back. I know I don't express it much because I am awful at the mushy and gushy, lovey-dovey stuff, but I am glad that I am in love with my best friend.

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