Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 27

Children are such an inspiration when we live in a world that seems to only have negative news every corner we turn. Kids are so innocent and honest with their words and actions. It would be nice if we all stayed that way. I believe the world would be a much better place. I'm not sure why we change, but we do. As a teacher, sometimes kids can just make your day with a hug or a homemade present. So today, I choose children as my inspiration.

Inspiration May: Day 26

Lately, I have had a kick on playing board games all the time. My sister, my boyfriend, and I are in a 2 day battle in Monopoly. I already played it once this week and beat my boyfriend. Pretty much at least once a week, and usually more than that, we will play board games. I know it is probably a crazy idea, but board games do inspire me. They bring family and friends together to enjoy time together. With so much technology in the world, everyone is either looking down at their phones and tablets or watching tv. Many times, kids will learn skills that they can use at school and in the real world. I know in the game of Monopoly we are playing (it's a newer version where we used cards instead of cash) you have to do a good bit of Math: counting spaces to move, adding the dice totals together, determining the interest on a mortgage, figuring out how much you can spend on buying property and houses, etc. my advice to everyone, take a night out one week and play a game with your family. You will remember how fun it is being together and doing something together, even when it gets a little competitive.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 24 & 25

With this weekend being Memorial Day weekend, I choose 2 days to honor and represent our fallen soldiers from our armed forces.

I am a big supporter of our military and all the efforts they do to keep us safe and stand up for our freedoms, and also the safety and freedom for people in other countries, as 3 of my uncles have served our country. This day is special to me and my family because one of my uncles passed away when I was in high school after serving our country through the National Guard. Many times people get confused between the differences of Memorial Day and Veteran's Day. Memorial Day honors members of the military who have passed away while Veteran's Day honors members who have retired or are currently serving our country. Either way, I thank all military members and their families for their service for our country. They inspire me because it puts me to awe that someone would risk their life for my freedoms when they don't even know me and that there are many moms, dads, parents, and children who sacrifice time we take for granted when they are away from their loved ones. So from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!!!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 23

For my second post of the day, I choose a special group of people who go day in and day out to help others, many times without a reward or thank you.

Nurses are so special in our society. Recently a young child in the community was diagnosed with leukemia, and it got me to thinking about all the sweet nurses who go out of their way and job description to help others. Anyone can be a nurse - go to college and learn all the medical information - but it takes a very special person to be a great nurse. I hear of wonderful stories about children who go to St.Judes, Children's, or the children's unit in hospitals where the nurses will decorate the rooms, constantly be by their sides through it all, make taking medicine like a game, and make being in the hospital less stressful. They inspire me to be a better person and to go out of my way to help others. To all the nurses in my lives: love you all and appreciate everything you do!

Inspiration May: Day 22

I forgot to post yesterday, so I will make it up today by doubling up on my posts. So, here is my inspiration for Day 22.

Writing has always been something I have enjoyed doing since high school. Writing is my way of expressing myself and my feelings. You can ask my boyfriend. I'm not good at all the lovey-dovey stuff in public, but I can write  one awesome love note. I'm not a frequent blogger nor do I have any followers. You can tell so by looking at my total page views (less than 1000 in about 2 years). But I am glad I decided to create a blog even when I am the only one who reads it. It inspires me to express myself and my thoughts. I have also learned a few HTML and website tips on how to customize my blog's design. So, no matter how many people read my blog I will continue to use it to give me my outlet to express myself.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 21

Today my boyfriend and I went to the movies. There are so many good movies out now at the end of school and start of summer vacation, so we had a hard time decided which one to see. My inspiration for today is the movie that many liberals have commented as anti-feminist and really shot it down.

Just a little background on the movie: It was filmed in Alabama (mostly in the metro-Birmingham area). It's about a stay-at-home mom who plans a night out with 2 of her friends, who are also moms. The dad's are left in charge of taking care of the kids. Well, lots of mishaps occur, but it is a clean, comedy movie for the family that includes Christian values. This movie inspires me because lately I have been down and out about some things. A few weeks ago, if you remember, I read "You're Already Amazing" by Holley Gerth and it talked about how God loves us as He made us. Trace Adkins plays a tough biker guy (Bones) but is a softy at heart. He reveals this same message to the main character who feels stressed out and like she just isn't good enough for her husband, kids, church, friends, etc., but Bones tells her she doesn't feel good enough for herself but she is enough for God and He thinks she was amazing enough to be her kids mommy and her husbands wife. It was a great reminder to me during times when I don't feel enough to remind me that I am enough for God. If you haven't see. This movie, especially if you are a mom, I recommend you to do it. Go see it with your gal pals or your daughter(s). It is a great and inspiring movie!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 20

Lately, my boyfriend and I have been on a journey to being healthier as we are watching our calories and going out to walk which has inspired me.

This is a picture of my walking/running shoes. For the last 2 days, my boyfriend and I have walked 1.32 miles each night while eating healthier. Walking gives me time to think and clear my head. Having someone to do it with me makes the motivation stronger and the will power easier to do it. Some days it is very hard to not go over my calorie intake or get my butt up and walk, but having someone holding me accountable makes it much easier. Our goal was to do just 1 mile, but actually getting out and walking inspired us to keep going. I know this post is short, but I don't want you spending all your time sitting and reading on your phone, computer, tablet, etc. Get up and move. Let walking inspire you even if it is just for 15 minutes.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 19

Today I write about something that not only inspires me, but many people as well.

Love. It inspires people to feel, think, act, etc. I am blessed to have a life full of people I love and people who love me. Love is unconditional and has no depths or ends. It inspires us to wonder, to dream, to hope, to be full of life, and to have happiness. Jesus even commanded that we love one another and to love The Lord our God with all our hearts. After all, Jesus showed He loves the greatest by dying on the cross for our sins. The Bible even lays out how we are to love in one of my favorite parts in the Bible.

"If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing. If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing. Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will become useless. But love will last forever!... Three things will last forever - faith, hope, and love - and the greatest of these is love." -1 Corinthians 13:1-8, 13 NLT

Let's open our hearts to love, and love like Christ does.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 18

Many people might think I am a little weird for today's inspiration when they first see the picture, but hopefully you will read on to see why it inspires me.

Today was a rainy day for the most part here where I live. Most people do not like the rain for many reasons, me included. It is impossible to dress nice for church with a raincoat on and carrying an umbrella. I probably looked like a fool today in my new heels trying to carry take out boxes from a church luncheon fundraiser, my purse, my Bible, my umbrella, and my keys in my hands. But today I thought about how refreshing the rain is. It is a free car wash from God. It renews and restores life in nature. It is an example of how Jesus is in our lives. As a Christian, we love living in the sunshine and having our good days where life seems perfect and nothing could go wrong. But, Jesus brings the rain and the days are just dreary where everything that could go wrong does go wrong. The amazing part is that after the rain, the air is clearer, flowers burst with new color, and it provides a clean atmosphere outside. That is the same way when Jesus brings the rain in our lives. We see things clearer as we begin to see God's Will and understand why He sent the rain. We begin to have new life with Him (especially true for those who just become Christians) and focus on Him instead of the world or ourselves. He restores our pain and fills us with His goodness. He gives us a new start and forgives us of our sins. I mean, how great is it to walk outside and take in the cool crisp air after it has rained!? My favorite part after the rain is when you drive down the mountain to Leesburg, and you see the mountains straight ahead. You can see every curve and line that God made, and it is so awesome to see His creation like that. So next time it rains, let the rain inspire you. Rest. Take a nap. Breathe in God's wonderfulness. Trust me, afterwards you will love what God has planned for your life.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 17

Today my inspiration comes from a woman who is very near and dear to my heart.

My grandma has always been my biggest supporter my whole life. I have always been her little girl since the day I was born because I was somewhat of a miracle baby and was born the day right before her birthday. She has spoiled me rotten throughout the years, but my most favorite times spent with her don't really cost anything. As a young kid, I would stay with her a during the day. I loved climbing the dogwood tree in her front yard and absolutely refused to come out when mom or dad would come pick me up. My favorite art craft involved coffee filters, markers, and a spray bottle with water. I would doodle all over a million filters, and then grandma would give them a little spray and hang them up to dry outside. I started to learn to love to cook as we made homemade biscuits, cakes, cupcakes, icing, cookies, and brownies together. When she looked away, I would definitely have my fingers in the icing, batter, or biscuit dough. I still do it today when mom cooks. My grandma has lived a very long life as she is now in her 90s. Whenever a new grandbaby is born in the family, she does her best to make a blanket for the baby. For most of my life, she has been the only grandparent I have had. Both of my grandpas passed away before I was born, and my maternal grandma passed away before I was 10 (and I loved her dearly as well). My grandma is my inspiration because she worked hard to provide for her family, remained faithful to her husband even after the many years he has gone on to Heaven, and loves unconditionally.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 16

Today for my inspiration, I choose two very special women who have greatly impacted my life throughout the years.

My Aunt Kat and Aunt Bay have been great, Godly role models in my life and like another pair of mothers. Aunt Kat is my mom's twin sister, and Aunt Bay is their older sister. They have always been there for me through all the important events in my life. Both attended my 6th grade graduation, high school graduation, and college graduation. I love everyone on both side of my family, but I am extremely close to these very special ladies. They inspire me to do my best, aim high for my goals, and reach for all my dreams. They have encouraged me, given me advice, and treated as if I was their own child ever since I was born. I love them both very much!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 15

I am almost half way complete with my inspiration May challenge. Today, I chose my inspiration as a very special man in my life.

My daddy is my greatest hero. He has been there for me through heartbreaks when I cried and to hug me when we rejoiced over good news. He has always provided for me and all my needs. I was always his little girl growing up always wanting to go to work with him when he worked at Builder's Supply. I get a lot of my personality from him: wit, sense of humor, planner. Whenever I needed him, he was always there for me day or night, rain or shine. He inspires me to love The Lord, be strong in who I am, and love others. Love you daddy!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 14

Today my inspiration comes from 2 churches that have impacted my life throughout my college career till now.

Slackland Baptist Church has been my home church since 2004 when my dad took on the role of becoming the Director of Missions for Cherokee Baptist Association when I was in 7th grade. It took me a while to get used to a bigger church from what I was used to being in. At one time, the youth group had about 20 people for Sunday School. This place has been an inspiration from the good Christian friends my family and I have met here. I was able to first meet my high school best friend here, had an interim pastor who was like a grandpa to me, and made close family friends. One of my best memories was when I was a freshman in college, some of the kids on Wednesday night sent me sweet letters.

Growing up in a Christian home, going to church was always important on Sundays. During my first 3 years, I struggled with this because I just couldn't find a church I could call my home away from home. I am so grateful that my roommates my senior year invited me to church the Sunday before school started back as we all went to Church of the Highlands at Grants Mill. It was an amazing experience! I have never really been a big fan of mega churches, so I was a little unsure at first. But everyone there was so nice and showed their love for Christ in everything. I continued going here during the few months I lived in Hoover. Occasionally, I will watch online Sunday mornings when I am getting ready for church or at night as all of the sermons are awesome! I hope to go back and visit soon! I chose it as an inspiration because it helped me grow spiritually during my senior year of college.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 13

Yesterday I posted about 2 teachers I had that greatly impacted my life. It really got me to thinking about other teachers I have had, and I want to use today's inspiration post to talk about another teacher who played a vital role in my high school years and has truly been an inspiration for me to look to as a teacher.

Mr. Jones was my science teacher throughout high school. Science and Math are my worst subjects and was happy just to make a B in them. Mr. Jones made learning fun in his classes by providing fun experiments/labs and being a friend to all of his students. He had that equal balance of being a teacher, mentor, and friend to each student that walked in his class. Even kids that had a D in Science loved him. He had the funniest stories and always kept his class interesting. I enjoyed having Science with him that I took on the challenge of taking AP Biology. I didn't score good on the AP test, but I did enjoy the class and its difficulty while coming out with a B. My favorite all time Science class was Forensic Science. It was the only one I made an A in. I can't exactly remember how the project assignment went, but my group and I made a CSI episode that was funny. One of the main reasons Mr. Jones inspires me is because he goes outside the role of being just a "teacher" for his students. During my senior year, I struggled with where I was going to go to college. I had a full ride to JSU and had a great offer from Shorter University, but my desire was to go to Samford. At the time, I was short about $3000 of being able to take out a low enough loan that I would be able to pay back. I discussed a lot of my thoughts with Mr. Jones getting his take and opinion on matters. He was in a position similar to me where he could go to Alabama but had really good offers from other colleges. He told me that if I didn't go where I wanted to go then I would regret it. I thank him for his words of wisdom because without him mentoring mad counseling me I may have gone elsewhere.

There are many teachers I have had throughout the years from elementary school through high schools and into college. If I had the time and words to do it, I would write each of them a letter and personally thank them for all they did for me (even the ones I may not have liked). So if you are one of my former teachers, THANK YOU!!!!!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 12

I guess you can say that I am a week late in posting this inspiration given that Teacher Appreciation Week was last week. Today, I choose two teachers when I was in elementary/high school: Randy Smith and Yvonne Jacoway.

Mr. Smith was my 6th grade homeroom, language arts, spelling, and reading teacher. Math and History are the subjects he is most experienced in with teaching, but he made learning fun no matter what he taught. He motivated us to do our very best. I remember on a few occasions he would challenge the whole class to make an A on our spelling tests and he would bring us all cream soda and peanut butter nutter bars, but only if the entire class made an A. This really had us work together to encourage each other as a team to reach our reward. He is also a member of the military, so when the Alabama/Auburn football game came around he has us make picks on the winner and score. His only downfall is he is an Auburn fan. ;) Unfortunately that year Alabama lost, so everyone who chose Alabama had to do push ups. He also cared about his students outside the classroom. I remember being upset about not making a team I had worked hard to get on, and he called me up to his desk to check on me and make sure I was okay. One of my most favorite memories was rolling his yard on a Friday night while he was at the football game (assistant coach). I was sick the Monday after, but my friends had already fessed up before I could enjoy the fun of him not knowing (though his wife gave us permission to roll their yard). He is currently now the Assistant Principal at the high school and will be moving to a position in the county office after the school year. Because of him, I learned that being a teacher is more than just making sure students learn everything they are supposed to for the year. And I thank him for that!

Mrs. Jacoway was my Home Ec/FACS teacher in high school along with being the FCCLA sponsor. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of her that I know of. I was in one of Mrs. Jacoway's classes every year from 7th grade through 12th grade. I'll be honest, I was scared of her my 7th grade year. But when I was in 8th grade, I was elected as the class president in her class, so I bore responsibilities of helping organize our class project and taking the time to make sure the room was clean when we left. I thank her for teaching me the little things that many young women and teenagers do not know. When we cooked, we had to make sure our area looked better than it did before we used it. I was typically the last person to leave because if your area was dirty, the whole group would be in trouble. I made a purse and pjs and a wallet, but I honestly couldn't sew anything to save my life. I did learn a few tips and tricks using a needle and a thread, such as sewing on a button, sewing up a whole, and a few stitching things. She made the greatest impact on my life when I was the FCCLA President of our school's chapter during my last 2 years of high school. She was a mentor to me, and I enjoyed being her teacher's aid. Because of her, I learned to take pride in my work, developed a love for cooking, and grew to become a leader (trust me, I was so quiet and shy until I became FCCLA President). And I thank her for that!

Inspiration May: Day 11

I know that it is about an hour after midnight, which means I am late posting this, but I have spent my day with some amazing mothers today for Mother's Day: my mom, my grandma, and my boyfriend's mom. So, in honor of Mother's Day, my inspiration today is my momma.

Above are just a few snapshots of my mom throughout the years. During my younger years until I was about in 7th grade, my mom was a stay-at-home mom while my dad worked at a hardware type store. It was great having mom at home every day as a young child. During Junior High, she was a sub at the school my brother, sister, and I attended as it was a K-12 school. She was consistently subbing for someone every day, so she was always around. Once my dad was called full-time into the ministry, a couple of years later my mom became his full-time assistant, and they are working those jobs today. I come from a very large family as both of my parents are 1 of 6 kids. (Bless my grandmas' hearts!) My mom is a twin, so we are very close to her twin sister and many family members on her side (and a few on my dad's side as well).

During my teen years, like most teenagers, we would fight and of course I always thought I was right and knew everything. Now that I have tasted a little bit of the real world by living away from home for college and getting a job and searching for one all while balancing my personal life, spiritual life, and finances, I can see the things she taught me earlier in life were true and that I probably should have paid more attention to what she was saying.

I have been blessed to have grown up in a Christian home where I was taught at an early age about God and shown His love through my parents. They taught me right from wrong and helped to lead me to Christ at the age of 7. I had just gotten out of the bathtub after taking a bath with my mom when she helped in leading me to Jesus in November of 1997. My mom has a great sense of humor and loving, compassionate, and forgiving heart to others.

I know I am far from perfect, but I am grateful that God picked me to be be Wendell and Marcille's daughter. I love you mom, and I hope you had a great Mother's Day!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 10

Today, I am going to be posting quite a few pictures from college. A year ago today I graduated cum laude, and I am blessed to be an alum from Samford University. I was able to make friends, be apart of a great group of girls, participate in many leadership positions, and grow closer to God. It inspires me to be a better person and to further myself not only educationally, but also spiritually. Hopefully below you will see a glimpse of how this place has greatly impacted me.

This is the view of most of the campus from the President's house. As you can see, it is a beautiful campus all year long.

Here I am with the infamous Mr. Beeson statue. Mr. Beeson was one of the university presidents and donated a good bit of money to the college. He was a petite little man (the actual size of the statue). And the shoes on the statue were actually Mr. Beeson's that they bronzed.

This is Reid Chapel on campus. It is where we had our convocations and chapels. A tradition for many people before they graduate is to climb to the top of the steeple.

Centennial Walkway. These are the steps that freshman walk up on the day before classes start and the same steps they walk down the day before graduation. Right behind the steps is our library where I spent many hours studying. At the top are bells that are played every 15 minutes. During the Christmas season, the man plying them will do Christmas songs.

This is the infamous fountain. It is located between the library and and caf/food court. If you are caught jumping in it, you get in trouble with the university and receive a Values Violation. It's usually on every senior's bucket list of things to do before they graduate.

Christmas is so beautiful on campus. Lights are lit and everything is magical revolving around our Savior's birth. It is tradition to have your picture made with the huge tree on Centennial Walkway. Another bucket list tie is to crawl under and get into the tree.

Freshman year. This is the group of girls that I shared a hall, bathroom, and memories with. This picture was taken during Connections, a 3 day event for freshman to help people mingle and learn their way around campus. During Connections I made friends with our group leader, Molly Jones, and she has become a mentor to me throughout the years. I had a great group of girls around me freshman year. Trash buddies, dinner friends, soccer gals.

Here are a few pictures of the dorm I lived in my freshman year.

For my remainer 3 years, I spent them in the same room in Wesley Hall in Beeson Woods apartments on campus. Above are just a few pictures of my decor.

During my time at Samford, I was blessed to a part of a wonderful sorority: Gamma Sigma Sigma. The pictures above show a few of the good times I shared with my sisters (and later on brothers who joined lol). The first is the night of my big and little reveal where my big is behind me. The next 2 are of one if the formats we had. The last is a picture of me, my little, and my grand little.

I was equally blessed to have made great friends who I shared rooms with and even brought back to good ole rural Alabama. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture to capture every happy moment with every friend, but God was great in providing me with wonderful friendships. (Note: The picture above this is a picture of some of my friends who went through the good and bad with me in teacher education lol.)

One of my favorite memories occurred during the summer between sophomore and junior year. I was able to participate, along with 2 other sweet Samford girls, in a women's college program called the Leading Edge Institute, LEI for short. We visited poverty stricken areas, such as Selma and Marion, along with meeting state leaders in Montgomery. I was in a fantastic group of girls that I love to death! We bonded like no other group. (We secretly heard other groups were jealous of our bond!) we laughed, worked, cried, and came together to overcome obstacles. I know we have lost touch since we last saw each other in Winter of 2012, but these girls hold a very special place in my heart.

I give kudos to Samford for providing awesome opportunities to meet famous people and providing great entertainment. Above are the Hanson brothers and Dierks Bentley. (Note: Dierks Bentley hands down is the best concert I have been to, plus it was free!) Others not pictured include Joe Nichols, NeedToBreathe, Ben Rector, Avatt Brothers, and many more.

To top it all off, we have the best president. HANDS DOWN! He is a mentor to not only myself, but to all Samford students. He really gets to know us students on a personal level. It is truly because of him, and our gorgeous campus, that I chose Samford. Actually, scratch that. I didn't choose Samford. god chose Samford for me.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 9

On day 9, I have decided to share my favorite Bible verse that inspires me.

This verse has been helpful to me over the past year as I have hit highs and lows since I have graduated college. After graduating, I was afraid of the real world and finding a job. After getting a job, I was nervous about moving away from home and living by myself on my own. Now, I am back to looking for a job again and am grateful for this verse as a reminder that God has prepared my paths before me and will be with me always. Why should I be afraid or discouraged? God is in control. Always has been and always will be. And in that, I take comfort in this verse as an inspiration in my life.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 8

Today in Day 8 of inspiration May. I find my inspiration today no further than my backyard.

I have been blessed to grow up and live in rural Alabama most of my life. For four years, I did move off to college but still used this as a refuge to come to when I needed to relieve stress from living in the city (Birmingham) and for a few months when I had a teaching job away from home. I love calling this place home. All my worries disappear once I take a deep country air breath. I love to sit on the porch reading a good book, laying in the backyard soaking up some sun, or sitting out under the carport at night listening to the crickets chirp and lightning bugs flicker. It inspires me by having me let go of my problems and struggles and take in the beauty God has created before me.