Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Be Still

Life is so chaotic. Busy is what we label it. As a woman, I know that we think that we have to do this and we have to do that to stay on top of it as it appears every other woman is. We get so caught up doing and going that we don't hear God whisper to us, "Be still." Trust me, I am not pointing fingers at anyone. Actually, I am pointing all fingers to me. As you can tell, I haven't blogged in well over 5 months. I recently graduated Cum Laude from Samford University receiving my B.S. in Early Childhood/Elementary/Special Education, so being busy and on the go during the semester of student teaching really consumed my life. I'm not proud of it. I wish I had devoted more time in building my relationship with God. Lately, I have been so frustrated and stressed out about not finding a teaching when lots of my friends are (and I am super excited for them!!). It has been 24 days since I have graduated, and I have been e-mailing and getting in touch with school systems and principals since then but haven't gotten a call about a job yet. I am used to always being busy and having something to do that it floors me being at home twiddling my thumbs as I wait by my phone or constantly check my e-mail for anything. Yet, God whispers to me, "Be still." I think it is time I listen. After all, He knows what is best for me anyways. Let me tell you how much of a dork I am. I have been single for over 6 years. When I was getting ready to move to college, I prayed God would send me a good guy to fall in love with at college. God really has a sense of humor. The ratio of girls to guys at Samford is 3 to 1. Yes, for everyone 1 guy, there are 3 girls. But, God did answer my prayer. In March (or maybe it was February -I am really bad at remembering some things-), I received a message on a dating website I signed up on (and frankly forgot that I had because I probably signed up one day when I was bored) and didn't respond for a few weeks later. We ended up texting a few times, but I assumed it had fizzled out, lost interest. One day I was bored and randomly selected people to text. He was one of them. By the beginning of May, we were exclusively dating but not officially a couple. The humor in this story is God did send me a Christian, loving man the week after I turned in my final homework assignment ever and 8 days before I graduated from college. God knew I needed to keep my focus on my school work, and after I finished it all He answered my prayers. Now I know this seems like I'm veering off course and chasing a rabbit (and maybe I am and just wanted to brag a little bit on this fantastic guy God has sent my way), but it is an example of trusting God in everything and He will answer prayers when He knows we are ready, not when we think we are ready. Maybe you are like me. You are praying for something to happen and are becoming frustrated that it isn't instantly answered. Be Still. Maybe you are like how I felt in college during my student teaching: constantly on the go and being busy but still feel like something is missing but you don't have time to stop. Be Still. Trust me on this one. It's okay to slow down, even stop. God desires you and wants time with you. It has taken me a long time to realize this, but I have been reading "You're Already Amazing" by Holley Gerth and it has opened my eyes to see that I don't have to do more, be more, or think things need to happen instantly to meet God's approval. He created us in His image (Genesis 1:27). Although I have already read through three chapters of the book, I am going to back track so we can go on this journey together to see how amazing God already thinks we are. Be still.

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