Thursday, November 22, 2012

So Much To Be Thankful For!

Gobble Gobble!! Today is Thanksgiving!! And if you looked at my Facebook from this month, you would probably think that I am not thankful for anything because I haven't hopped on board with the writing what you are thankful for each day during the month. Honestly, I simply haven't had time to do that every day with everything I have going on. So, that's why I got up early on this Thanksgiving morning. And no, it wasn't just to get a jump start on early Black Friday sales (even though I was extremely tempted to go to Fred's 7 am sale) nor is it to be like a kid and watch the Macy's Thanksgiving parade (though I am patiently waiting for it to being at 9!!). So here goes my top list of 22 (the number of days from November 1st till Thanksgiving) things I am thankful for.

1. I am so very thankful for Jesus dying on the cross for my sins and loving me when I am weak and when I am strong. Without Him, nothing would matter in this world.

2. I am thankful for my momma. She is always listens to me complain when I call her and is my best friend. I am thankful that the Lord allowed me to be her daughter. I hope to be half that woman she is one day.

3. I am thankful for my daddy. He always know how to fix any problem I have. He has instilled Christian values and morals in me. I hope that I one day find a man like him to marry.

4. I am thankful for my grandma. Before I was born, both of my grandpas had passed away and my other grandma passed away when I was 8 or 9, so for most of my life I have only had one grandparent. She went through a lot of rough times growing up and having a family, so I truly appreciate everything she has done in her life. She is an angel and Godly woman that I hope to be like when I get married, become a mother, and become a grandmother.

5. I am thankful for my siblings. Even though we fight like crazy and seem to never get along, I really don't know what I would do without them! I honestly don't know how a person could go through life without having a sibling to tease or pick on, but love at the end of the day.

6. I am thankful for my extended family. My extended family is like no other. I have aunts and uncles who are pretty much like another set of parents to me and have helped in raising me and loved me as if I were their own.

7. I am thankful for our military and their families. I am humbled by the sacrifices they make every day to fight for our freedoms as their families spend the holidays apart from their loved ones. John 15:13 says, "There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends." Thank you to those who have given up their lives so that we may live in freedom in America.

8. I am thankful for my friends. They are always there for me through the thick and thin of things. I know that sometimes they get tired of hearing me complain, but they are always there for me. I hope that I am the great friend to them that they are to me.

9. I am thankful my church family. They are a constant encouragement to me, and I am blessed to be apart of a family of Christ in my church.

10. I am thankful for my freedom. It is so wonderful to live in a country where I don't have to sneak away just to be able to read my Bible or go to church. I have the freedom to read my Bible and attend church whenever I want to. Anyone can chose to worship however they wish to and follow any religion they choose. Though I am a strong Christian, I am thankful to live in a country where I am not forced to believe something doesn't align with God's Word.

11. I am thankful for Samford. I have made so many friends and met so many wonderful people that I never would have met without being here at Samford. It is so wonderful to be apart of a community that loves the Lord and serves Him by serving others.

12. I am thankful for my health. I have never had any serious illnesses. I have had minor accidents along the way, but the Lord has blessed me with good health.

13. I am thankful for my two jobs. I know they aren't "real" jobs, but they do give me a little extra money to help me in college. God always provides, even in the smallest of ways.

14. I am thankful for all of the people who have encouraged and pushed me along the way throughout high school and college to get me to where I am right now, getting closer to graduating in May 2013! I have had some amazing mentors and teachers who helped to guide me and prayed for me, and words cannot express how thankful I am that I am exactly where God has directed me through the help of them.

15. I am thankful for my dogs Charlie and Buster. Charlie is a spoiled little boy and loves just curling up in my lap to lick and kiss me. He is a momma's boy and is a sweet as pie. He is unique and special as I love staring into his gorgeous blue and brown eyes. Buster, or Elvis as I like to call him because he curls his lip, is the goofiest dogs who can make you laugh on your saddest days. He is literally always smiling and is a happy carefree dog. They will be your best friend as long as you feed them. :)

16. I am thankful for my adopted dog Danger. He is one of the kindest dogs I have ever had, and I completely adore him and his beautiful white fur. I fall in love with him every time he sits his head in my lap and looks at me with his big brown eyes. He would never hurt a fly and is as smart as a whip, but if anyone tried to hurt me then he would do anything to protect me.

17. I am thankful for God's blessings. He has given me more than I could ever need. I have never gone one day in my life where I went without something I needed. He is so good to me!

18. I am thankful for God's little miracles in my life. I know it seems that the miracles performed when Jesus walked on earth don't seem to happen anymore, but I see the little miracles that make a big difference in my life.

19. I am thankful for my major in elementary education. It has opened so many doors for me to be able to do what I love: working with children. I want to make a difference in children's lives to mold them into wonderful young men and women one day. I know many children do not receive the best education possible. I want to break that goal to help children see that they don't have to live in the cycle of poverty if they study hard in school and go to college or a vocational training school.

20. I am thankful for living in the South. I know we are perceived as slow and sometimes dumb, but we are the complete opposite. We know how to enjoy life and what God has given us. I love living in the country and seeing the beauty of God's hand through the changing colors of the leaves and the landscape He has made. Through all the hustle and bustle, it's nice to slow down and take in fresh air.

21. I am thankful for my church when I am at college. It has taken me four years to finally find a church I enjoy going to, but I am blessed that God has guided me to Church of the Highlands. I know it isn't Southern Baptist, but I feel so at home there as everyone is friendly with a smile on their faces. People come to truly worship God and to pour their hearts out to Him. I love worshiping God with fellow believers through praise songs and through the great sermons.

22. Lastly, I am thankful for everyone that is reading this post. I may or may not know you, but I pray that God blesses you on this Thanksgiving and that hopefully this post has reminded you of many things you have forgotten about but are thankful for. I pray you have a Happy Thanksgiving and a wonderful holiday season as Christmas is approaching quickly!

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