Saturday, December 22, 2012

Check the Lights on Your Christmas Tree

This past week has been a difficult week for me with the shooting at the elementary school in Connecticut. It reminded me that as a professional, it is my responsibility to protect my students at all costs and remain calm in any circumstance so that my students remain calm. There were so many sweet children who lost their lives because an evil person committed a selfish act in takin out his anger in children and adults he didn't know. Teachers, administrators, and other faculty members gave up their lives protecting as many children as they could. Usually future teachers are just attempted to be prepared for working with difficult parents, we are now having to think about other safety measures in protecting our students before ourselves. With this in mind, we need to check all the lights on our tree. I don't mean this literally. I mean that we as Christian teachers need to make sure our attitude and actions reflect our faith. We are the Christmas tree and our attitude and actions are the lights. When we live a Christ-like life and be a positive Christian role model for our students, our lights shine bright and glow. Our students are the ornaments on the tree. Some are elaborate golden angels while some are a simple red ball and others are paper handmade ornaments. Each ornament is different, but each one has its place on the tree. It is my job as the tree to make sure all of my lights are working and shining brightly so that all my ornaments sparkle and shine in their own way. It is my job as the teacher that I have an attitude that reflects the love of Christ in me and that my actions show it as well. If I have a dull light, an ornament won't sparkle like it should. I pray that my lights never grow dim and that my future students see the love of Christ through me. I pray that I will never have to worry about my students and know where they will be one day. I pray for the families affected by the shooting and that God brings them peace and comfort during this Christmas season. I can't even begin to imagine how they feel or what they are going through, but I know a God who offers endless love and is the Prince of Peace. I pray you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I pray that you check your lights this season so that the ornaments in your life are able to be seen brightly through you.

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