Saturday, November 29, 2014


As I sat down on this weekend after Thanksgiving, I should probably post the typical "Thankful" post that many people do on their blogs. Actually, I sat down to play catch up and explain what I have been up to and how life is going with my job as a first grade teacher and planning for a wedding when I caught myself staring out the window watching birds fly around. I guess you could call it an odd hobby, but I love watching a big group of black birds together in my front yard or field around the house and then watch them take off at the same time. It's so neat that almost all of them know where to go next by instinct. You see a small handful that start to go in a different direction, but they see the majority going another way so they change directions quickly. Aren't we like that sometimes as humans? We never really want to veer from the direction that nearly everyone is travelling. We are afraid of where it may take us, and we don't want to do it alone. I am that bird. I don't like going against the flow, and if I see that I am I will adapt to others. That can be a great quality to have to so that it is easy to work with others so you can adapt your plans. On the other hand, it can take away some of God's blessings He has made just for me or for you.

While watching the birds, I began thinking about how do the birds know who the leader is? Which one leads the others in the direction they will go? Then something dawned on me; what if they lead bird was one of those birds who chose to go in a different direction and didn't care what the others did? Maybe all the birds who wanted to go that direction see that bird going alone and join until the group gets bigger.

This is a lot like being a Christian in today's society. The world tells us we are to accept things that are against the Bible. The world tells us it is okay to do things that the Word speaks out against. So, we follow the crowd. When people ridicule Christians, we stay quiet because we don't want to be criticized or spoken out against. Sometimes, you don't feel like it is your place to say anything. Honestly, that is how I feel sometimes because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings nor do I want people to speak out negatively against me. Lately, with all of the Ferguson mess going around and people ignoring facts to "follow" the crowd, I am learning that we as Christians are to speak up about things that are wrong. I am using the Christ-like attitude: "Love the sinner, hate the sin." Every once in a while, we see birds branch out and inspire others. This reminds me of the Duggar family. The world is so critical of their religious beliefs. I have never seen them pressure their beliefs on anyone, not even their children. What I have seen, however, is that they demonstrate love to everyone, speak kindly to others, and simply speak of what they believe in (NOT force others to follow their beliefs). I see them as the lone bird who leaves the group to fly their own way. God has truly blessed them in many ways.

My prayer is that I become that bird that branches out to follow God and fly with others who do so also. I pray that you do, too.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Wow! I go 2 and a half months without posting and so many things happen! Let me set a timeline for you.

My grandma with me at my college graduation at Samford University.

On June 17th, my grandma fell and fractured her pelvis. She was placed in rehab, and then transferred to the nursing home after her rehab stint ended. This was a hard transition for my family because my grandma is the Rock of our family and pretty much the only reason we put up with each other. There are things out of our control, so we have put our faith and trust in God because we know that He knows what is best for us and for grandma. So when you pray, just say a little prayer for my grandma. I know in the last few years she has gone down in her health, but next month she will be turning 91. It is probably a selfish reason, but I want her to see me walk down the aisle when I get married and to be at my sister's high school graduation. She is always saying that us younger grandkids got an "old grandma," but I wouldn't trade her for anyone else. Since I was around 7, she is the only one I have had. Just her being here is enough for me.

On the top is the yummy food we ordered at The Cheesecake Factory. Below is a picture of the gorgeous ring right after he placed it on my finger along with the wedding planner we stopped to buy on our way home.
Well, on the very next day (June 18th), James got down on one knee and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him. Of course I said yes!! Getting engaged is worth a whole post in itself, so later this week I will dedicate one just for it. I promise, it is a story that will make you smile, laugh, and possibly cry a little. :) To follow us, you can check out our blog dedicated just for our wedding in how we are saving money and sharing tips and ideas at Bridal Bargain Hunter or visit our wedding website to stay up with wedding information. :)

Fast forward to the end of July. On July 23rd, I had an interview with principals in the Etowah County School System. I had applied for this position before, so many of them remembered me. (Side note: James and I ate at Wendy's prior to my interview. I saw a lady picking up 11 frosty shakes and thought she looked familiar. When I got to the place for the interview, she had just walked out from giving the principals their frosty shakes. We all laughed at how I had "busted" them on their afternoon snack!) After making it through the first round of interviews, I went on to the second round July 29th at Board of Education. The same lady interviewed me with a man who used to be James's principal. We shared the frosty story again. The very next day I received a call telling me I have been offered a position. (I think it was the frosty connection!) So the past week has been jammed pack with me buying school supplies, filling our papers, going to meetings, organizing stuff, and waiting. Yes, that is right. I am waiting. Right now I don't know what school or grade I will be teaching. Today was their first day of school, so they are looking to see where teachers are needed to reduce class sizes. I don't start until next Wednesday, the 13th. If you know me, you know that I like to have a plan and am a bit OCD, so it has been driving me crazy at times not knowing. I am hoping that by the end of this week they will tell me. But until then, I am thankful to have a job! It was definitely an answered prayer, especially with planning and paying for a wedding on top of my regular expenses. As Lamentations 3:25 says, "The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him." (ESV)

This summer has definitely been a whirlwind with a roller coaster of emotions and changed, but I am blessed by God's love and thank Him for all He has done for me!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 27

Children are such an inspiration when we live in a world that seems to only have negative news every corner we turn. Kids are so innocent and honest with their words and actions. It would be nice if we all stayed that way. I believe the world would be a much better place. I'm not sure why we change, but we do. As a teacher, sometimes kids can just make your day with a hug or a homemade present. So today, I choose children as my inspiration.

Inspiration May: Day 26

Lately, I have had a kick on playing board games all the time. My sister, my boyfriend, and I are in a 2 day battle in Monopoly. I already played it once this week and beat my boyfriend. Pretty much at least once a week, and usually more than that, we will play board games. I know it is probably a crazy idea, but board games do inspire me. They bring family and friends together to enjoy time together. With so much technology in the world, everyone is either looking down at their phones and tablets or watching tv. Many times, kids will learn skills that they can use at school and in the real world. I know in the game of Monopoly we are playing (it's a newer version where we used cards instead of cash) you have to do a good bit of Math: counting spaces to move, adding the dice totals together, determining the interest on a mortgage, figuring out how much you can spend on buying property and houses, etc. my advice to everyone, take a night out one week and play a game with your family. You will remember how fun it is being together and doing something together, even when it gets a little competitive.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 24 & 25

With this weekend being Memorial Day weekend, I choose 2 days to honor and represent our fallen soldiers from our armed forces.

I am a big supporter of our military and all the efforts they do to keep us safe and stand up for our freedoms, and also the safety and freedom for people in other countries, as 3 of my uncles have served our country. This day is special to me and my family because one of my uncles passed away when I was in high school after serving our country through the National Guard. Many times people get confused between the differences of Memorial Day and Veteran's Day. Memorial Day honors members of the military who have passed away while Veteran's Day honors members who have retired or are currently serving our country. Either way, I thank all military members and their families for their service for our country. They inspire me because it puts me to awe that someone would risk their life for my freedoms when they don't even know me and that there are many moms, dads, parents, and children who sacrifice time we take for granted when they are away from their loved ones. So from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!!!!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Inspiration May: Day 23

For my second post of the day, I choose a special group of people who go day in and day out to help others, many times without a reward or thank you.

Nurses are so special in our society. Recently a young child in the community was diagnosed with leukemia, and it got me to thinking about all the sweet nurses who go out of their way and job description to help others. Anyone can be a nurse - go to college and learn all the medical information - but it takes a very special person to be a great nurse. I hear of wonderful stories about children who go to St.Judes, Children's, or the children's unit in hospitals where the nurses will decorate the rooms, constantly be by their sides through it all, make taking medicine like a game, and make being in the hospital less stressful. They inspire me to be a better person and to go out of my way to help others. To all the nurses in my lives: love you all and appreciate everything you do!

Inspiration May: Day 22

I forgot to post yesterday, so I will make it up today by doubling up on my posts. So, here is my inspiration for Day 22.

Writing has always been something I have enjoyed doing since high school. Writing is my way of expressing myself and my feelings. You can ask my boyfriend. I'm not good at all the lovey-dovey stuff in public, but I can write  one awesome love note. I'm not a frequent blogger nor do I have any followers. You can tell so by looking at my total page views (less than 1000 in about 2 years). But I am glad I decided to create a blog even when I am the only one who reads it. It inspires me to express myself and my thoughts. I have also learned a few HTML and website tips on how to customize my blog's design. So, no matter how many people read my blog I will continue to use it to give me my outlet to express myself.